Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL With C++

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. You learn a lot really quickly
    It’s just cool how quickly I went to being able to draw a triangle to casting shadows and generating surface terrain with this book. This book is really great. Definitely get the example code from the publisher so it’s easier to follow along and try it with the textures and models. I think the example code is really good too. Easy to read and follow and the attention to details in describing how things work through out the chapter is great. Definitely install renderdoc though and use that for debugging if you run into any trouble. I found that very helpful.

  2. Great style of learning
    Professor Gordon was my professor in college last semester and I enjoyed his computer graphics course so much that I wanted to learn it in C++ now along with my previous Java knowledge. The explanations are top notch and being able to look at the code examples alongside the material, with in depth explanations, line by line, is invaluable. Highly recommend any educational content from professor Gordon.

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