D3 for the Impatient: Interactive Graphics for Programmers and Scientists

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  1. Another thumbs up
    Fast-paced intro assumes you are pretty proficient, perfect for a coder with some gray hair.Nicely self contained, has just enough javascript and SVG to get one started if those aren’t already in the toolbox.The list of extra resources like one-line web servers was handy.The code listing followed by the line-by-line deconstruction is very helpful.I was left wondering if people really end up mapping directly from their data to pixels on the screen, or is there a toolkit on top of d3 that you just say “show a histogram of this dataset”? Even basic barcharts and historgrams ended up having dozens of lines of code; incomparably more work than R or SciPy/NumPy.

  2. Great for advanced D3 concepts
    I started with D3 using ‘Interactive Data visualization for the Web’ by Scott Murray. Though that book is great for beginners, I soon found myself looking for a more technical and detailed book where I could create custom things and get much more control.This is the best book on D3 for advanced concepts! A definite recommendation.If you want to make your code more modular and ‘engineered’, pick this and get your work done! Best $50 bucks spent!

  3. Excellent resource, sometimes crashes Kindle
    Excellent info on D3 for those with some programming experience. Not a beginner’s book, which is exactly what I was looking for.As mentioned in another review, the Kindle version sometimes crashes (I was using the iPad Kindle app). Toggling the “continuous text” feature helped to get past some problematic spots that appeared to cause a crash. Reading in the Amazon Cloud Reader also helped.

  4. Essential.
    This should be the official textbook of d3. Both concrete and conceptual. I am *so* glad I bought this. (My background: early career data scientist.)

  5. Great way to learn D3 for scientists
    I built out some beautiful interactive visualizations in D3 several years ago by copying and pasting code from various examples and tinkering around until I got things to work. As someone with limited experience in Java Script and web development, I found D3 to be powerful and beautiful but I failed to understand the mechanics of what I was doing or why it worked, and I struggled to find good resources.This book lifted the shroud of mystery. Step-by-step the author walks you through D3’s data structures and examples of how it manipulates the DOM tree in order to build out interactive data visualization. I found it intuitive, concise, and easy to follow. It’s a great way to learn D3 and also works well as a reference book.

  6. Kindle version crashes at certain locations.
    I have a few books and so far I like this one the most as it explains how to do things instead of just giving you a lot of sample code. Sample code does not explain your options and how it works.The cons is that this book crashes on my kindle paper white and it also crashes on my kindle fire. So far it appears to be working on my fire tablet and I can use that to get beyond the page or two that causes the crash. I suspect the issue is some of the screen size on some of the tables. I did check and the information says it will work on all of the devices Clearly they need to update the information or the e-book.

  7. Exactly what I was looking for
    This book is tight as a drum, and if you at least kinda know what you’re doing in JavaScript, this book will get you where you need to go with D3.

  8. Small but extremely comprehensive book. What sets this book apart from the other resources is that it goes beyond making charts. By the time you have covered the first 5 chapters, you will be in position to make ANY kind of animations.As for the title of this review, you must know that d3js is always evolving. Some very recent changes are not mentioned in the book and these changes are presented in the official documentation which is too rigidly bound to the Observable project. This makes d3js a pain to work with if you want to be up to date.

  9. The book is well written and explains everything you need to get started in a casual yet efficient manner. However, I would have appreciated a little more in-depth explanation of some chapters, like force simulations which have a lot of potential uses that are not being taken advantage of.

  10. Der Autor kennt die Materie, erläutert Hintergründe & Konzepte, gibt aber auch gleich immer praktische Beispiele und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten vor. Bisher die beste Einführung in D3, die ich gelesen habe. Auch deshalb, weil man sich nicht lange mit langweiligen Standard-Beispielen aufhält und den konzeptionellen Rahmen von D3 besser versteht. So bekommt man Lust auf mehr…

  11. Prinzipiell ist es ein super Buch, mit dem man sich schnell anhand von anschaulichen und gut erklärten Beispielen in die D3-Thematik einarbeiten kann.Vorkenntnisse in JavaScript, HTML, CSS etc. sind sicher hilfreich, ich habe mich aber auch mit meinem Halbwissen ganz gut durchschlagen können.Einen Stern Abzug, da nirgends steht, dass die Codebeispiele nur mit der Version 5 von D3 funktionieren (was bei mir gerade beim Kapitel mit den Maus-Events eine Menge Zeit erspart hätte).

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