Digital Dominion: The Theater of Control: Volume I

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  1. The only solutions to the trials we face, truth discernment and strategic action by you.
    “We stand on the precipice of a great awakening, a moment where the collective spirit of defiance and independence that built this nation can rise again. It requires awareness, courage, and action—rejecting the cages of manipulation and reclaiming the liberty that defines us. Algorithms became the tool of choice because Americans, by their very nature, are culturally rebellious, defiant, and resistant to subjugation. Yet, even here, the effort has succeeded in unsettling ways. The fight to preserve that spirit of independence and the promise of liberty is not just a battle—it is the very essence of what defines America. They studied us, mapped our minds, and engineered cages so subtle we mistook them for freedom. But their calculations missed one variable: the defiant spirit of a free people. We see it now. We know it now. We Are Here.-Tore Maras ”— Digital Dominion: The Theater of Control: Volume I by Terpsehore MarasSymptom detection, threat identified and explained thoroughly, solutions offered.Bottom line.. You are the solution. Your ability to discern and then stand up are the only ways to fight in this digital battleground.

  2. Should be required reading for high school and beyond.
    Tore has described in deep detail, but not in a non-understandable way, how the population has been psychologically manipulated unknowingly through for example, social media. With this background knowledge, those that read the book will have the psychological armor per se, to protect themselves when using “social media”. She also went into detail about how people can easily be lulled into complacency or put in boxes, so as to relinquish their autonomy and independent thinking. I highly recommend this book.

  3. Unwitting Pawns
    Tore lays bare the extent of the psychological warfare surrounding the people. Her disclosures confirm all of the suspicious manipulations that have felt “off” all along. No one is coming to save us, we must collectively demand the truth from our leaders locally, nationally and globally. We have been played at all levels and we must demand better from our leaders and scrutinize everything. She advises us to turn it all off for good reason – much is misinformation! Tore names some specifics but also leaves me wanting all of the down and dirty details used to control us. Spill ALL the beans. Who can we really trust?

  4. Tore Maras is a national treasure and a fountain of truth.
    I’ve only read a part of the book and I’m already fascinated, once again, by the knowledge she has and is sharing with the world. Very grateful for this literature.

  5. Truth rides in on a donkey.
    Over the past few years information had been stolen, lied about, distorted, perspectives manipulated, people lumping themselves into tribes, brothers, sisters, friends, families turned on one another.By the powers at be. This book brings light to the darkness we as people have endured.

  6. Uncovering the fog of digital warfare.
    Tore is a godsend in the digital Battleground we play in. She lays out succinctly the ways people are manipulated on social media platforms. AMAZON will not let me post 5 stars (error my ass) but that is my rating. BRAVO and GOD BLESS.

  7. Wow Tore got a last minute book deal!
    shocker! I think I will wait for the custom edition she talked about… very expensive, but contains a unique targeted comm, regardless of who the purchaser is I am sure!

  8. Everyone MUST read this!
    Tore is a prolific writer and a superb educator. Have been reading her articles for YEARS and have learned more than any school ever taught me! If you want to TRULY understand what’s actually going on in the world….tbis whistleblower is THE key. Buy this for yourself and anyone you care about. 🙏🏼

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