How To Gift Kindle Unlimited Membership Subscription: The Step-By-Step Guide With clear Screenshots to give your loved ones Kindle Unlimited gift using any device with a few clicks

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Essential information missing
    I couldn’t find the link in the Audible app or website where you gift someone an Audible subscription. You’d think that would be promoted, especially this time of year. But no, Amazon hides it. So I downloaded this guide and this is the direction it provides: ”you need open the gift Kindle Unlimited landing page”. I already knew that, but where is it? I eventually found it with a Google search.

  2. Not helpful
    Doesn’t actually tell you how to find the gift kindle unlimited page. Only says not to go to the regular membership page. Useless.

  3. Accurate
    The guide tells you the exact name for the page you have to search on Amazon. Just search up Kindle gift landing page on Amazon and it’s there. I didn’t know what it was called.

  4. Still cannot find where to purchase kindle unlimited as a gift. This ‘book’ needs to have links to the webpage because I still cannot find where to purchase !!!!!!!!!

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