MySQL Cookbook: Solutions for Database Developers and Administrators

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  1. This is the addendum to the MySQL documentation
    I’m glad I waited to purchase this since I have most of the OReily manuals for version 5, this one was very up to date with version 8.0.27.Thankfully, this book covers how MySQL Shell works, how replication works (since it has changed recently), and the differences between SSL and TLS encryption which have been skewed in Oracle documentation.What I didn’t like was the suggestion that database tables can run on SSD devices which Oracle has already expressed (in writing) isn’t suggested.As long as SQL servers have been around for 50 years, indexing takes it toll on hard drives that can result in crashes resulting in unrecoverable data that still continue to this day. It is best to keep MySQL database tables on magnetic based hard drives since indexing optimization has been tested and approved by Oracle for the application. This is a recommendation from most SQL Server companies to stick with magnetic media at this time (you can run the server application on SSD).It is a good idea to remove that suggestion in future publications.

  2. Gigantic
    This was recommended to me because im learning. It’s full of great material, however I was totally overwhelmed as a beginner. I needed more of a cheat sheet option but there’s nothing wrong with this.

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