Professional WordPress: Design and Development


Original price was: 5.000,00 EGP.Current price is: 3.270,00 EGP.


Price: $50.00 - $32.70
(as of Dec 24,2024 07:03:18 UTC – Details)

Customers say

Customers find the book provides a comprehensive overview of WordPress development. They appreciate the nice descriptions of the functionality and usable code snippets. The book helps with customization, providing custom enhancements to the template and plug-in systems. It also helps make the site as secure as possible. Opinions are mixed on readability – some find it easy to read and consistent throughout, while others say it’s not easy to read and the instructions suck.

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Truly for Professionals and Developers – Not a Begginer’s Book
    WROX books, especially the Professional series, are the technical books geeks can’t live without. And for good reason. Whatever the subject, they are clear, thorough and filled with information you didn’t know you needed. Than the Lord for Kindles though, hauling a shelf full of these around would be a nightmare.This is not a book for beginners on how to use WordPress to publish your blog, though it does cover that as a small part of the book. This is rather a book to help those who develop WordPress sites either as a profession or part of their daily work load. While it would be rare for anyone to find the entire book applies to them, it is extremely rare for someone to find that none of the book applies. This book thoroughly covers WordPress architecture and development to the platform for any web developer. Some of the books topics assume you are familiar with programming principles, as well as HTML and CSS, and that you know at least a little about web development and PhP. If you are short in those areas, there are plenty of good books and online tutorials to bring you up to speed. Since the code discussed in the book is available for download, you can learn many of the techniques simply by modifying existing code snippets and adding them to your own work.If there is any negative to this book, it’s not the fault of the book but rather the speeds at which publishers and platform developers work. While WROX is quick to publish books, and the authors in the Professional series are usually writing with pre-release software, by the nature of the publishing cycle versus the speed of the development cycle, most published books start going out of date the moment they ship. Fortunate, WROXD keeps publishing updated versions, such as this one, being the third edition.

  2. THE BOOK for Web Devs
    In the past 2 or 3 years I have reviewed and read so many books by “WordPress Aficionados” that are nothing but fluff and contain no useful information for professional programmers seeking the hidden gateway into the maze that is WordPress that just the thought of those books makes my stomach churn.This is THE BOOK for programmers. I’m only 5 chapters into it and, as a professional software engineer, I am completely enthralled by it. Literally every page answers questions that I have always had about WordPress. I’ve been working with WordPress for years – mostly on previously built sites and have managed to muddle my way through theme modifications and functionality enhancements (without hacking the core!) with successful results, but I have never had a level of comfort working in WordPress, from a developer perspective that I’ve desired, but which I am now achieving, compliments of this book.These authors have done a SPECTACULAR JOB of presenting the information critically needed by software developers in a logical and precise manner that not only renders instant value, but opens the doors and exposes paths to gain further knowledge by demystifying the Codex and providing alternatives.Brad Williams, David Damstra, and Hal Stern – Kudos to you all! Thank you, truly, for writing such a wonderful book on WordPress!

  3. A solid technical WordPress resource
    As other users have noted, there is a lack of wordpress books that are more oriented towards actual web development. This is definitely geared toward a more technical crowd, so if you have no experience with databases or programming or web development, then this may not be the best resource. I am familiar with java, VB, and C# but little to no experience with PHP, CSS, and wed databases, so this book was just what I needed. There is a long “getting started” portion, which I supplemented with some video tutorials online but it was good to have a print resource alongside to fill in the gaps.

  4. Great Intermediate WordPress Guide
    I came to this book as a programmer who has some WordPress sites but have never looked at WordPress internals. The book filled in a lot of missing details about how WordPress works.The beginning chapters discuss the Core functionality of WordPress and why developing locally may make sense. Middle chapters go more in depth on the database, posts, and plugins. The later chapters cover some more advanced functionality I was not even aware existed such as Multi-site features.The authors have a great perspective on WordPress and are fully aware that WordPress gets a bad reputation sometimes. Chapter 13 took an in depth look at security on WordPress and explains clearly why WordPress is secure. Many of the “hacked” WordPress sites were by people who never upgraded their WordPress. The authors state explicitly when some security feature is option or whether it is mandatory.WordPress was put in perspective well and the authors tell you which plugins are recommended. There were good high level overviews backed up by lower level details.The book reads consistently throughout as the three authors were able to find one voice. If you are interested in learning more about the WordPress ecosystem and internals, this book is an excellent choice.

  5. I have given this book 5 stars because it is a comprehensive book and is good for seasoned developers. However, I must emphasise that in my opinion this is definitely not a book for beginners. If you at not a developer or a programmer, then this book is not for you. This a very complex and code heavy book. I am completely lost because I have no knowledge of MySQL or PHP scripting language, or in fact any other code except a little HTML. The clues is in the title “Professional”, “Design and Development”.

  6. This is a good book, but it’s a lot to read. Some chapters are practical and detailed while a few others are rather high level and very theoretical. Still it’s a solid ressource !

  7. Libro molto utile per chi vuole sviluppare in WordPress. Tratta tutti gli argomenti in modo dettagliato e spiega perfettamente il funzionamento di ogni singola parte del CMS fornendo la chiave per personalizzare ogni sezione. Sconsigliato ai beginners, questo libro tratta l’argomento in maniera tecnica ed avanzata, infatti presuppone una conoscenza dei linguaggi: HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL.Nella nostra realtà professionale, come Agenzia Web,, operiamo nella realizzazione di siti web professionali e pur avendo un’ottima esperienza come svilupatori devo ammettere che questo libro è stato molto utile per capire in profondità molti aspetti di WordPress e lo considero un ottimo aiuto per chi vuole personalizzare ogni aspetto, creare Plug-in e Template. Diventa ancora più utile se lo si usa come strumento di lavoro e in maniera empirica, leggendo il libro e provando subito le modifiche al codice consigliate mentre si è davanti allo schermo. Questa è infatti la maniera in cui consiglio di utilizzare questo libro, poco teorico e molto pratico!Vivamente consigliato a tutti coloro che vogliono sviluppare siti web professionali in WordPress, avere una visione completa dell’intera logica e, infine, creare i propri Template, Plug-in, Web Page senza dover contare su risorse esterne gratuite o a pagamento.

  8. Libro perfecto para ir más allá en el manejo de WordPress. Muy recomendable si quieres hacer tus propios temas y plugins, e ir más allá que la mera interacción con el back end de word press

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