The Innovative Dinosaur: A Guidebook for Crossing the Transformational Chasm from Traditional to Digital Enterprise

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  1. Interesting but somewhat dated
    This would be of the most interest to someone who is relatively new,to the workforce and so may not have previously encountered much of the information presented in this book. I also found that some of the projections, likely because the book was written a few years ago and apparently was not revised, so some of what is projected to occur in the future is no longer an accurate assessment, due to the rapid pace of technological advancement. I would also recommend that buyers purchase the paper version, as I received an ecopy from the publishers in return for an honest review and on my tablet there are multiple illustrations in chapters 7 and 8 with text on top of text making it illegible, and in earlier and subsequent chapters I noted that the figures were too small to read properly by enlarging the figures resulted is so much pixelation that the text could not be read.

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