vi and Vim Editors Pocket Reference: Support for every text editing task

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. A very useful and convenient Pocket Reference
    I have been using vi for a couple of decades now. For most of that time I had been using my original late 90’s book on vi and ex. This is a big step up and better organized. I will encourage our interns next summer to get this book!

  2. Great pocket reference
    Perfect for the back pocket for all of you IT professionals stuck inside the server room without access to the net.

  3. I like the way it’s put together very well
    This book has provided me with all the information I needed to get really into vi and vim. I like the way it’s put together very well.

  4. Great Book! Lots of information in it
    Great Book! Lots of information in it. I wish it gave more examples, but it is a great reference book!

  5. Well written on this subject
    The author details very nicely the use of VI/VIM.If your serous about using this editor the book is worth the price.

  6. Don’t regret getting, but probably wouldn’t recommend it either.
    Has useful information on command line options, and some editing commands, but doesn’t appear to be complete even for everyday operations such as moving the cursor around. I’ve learned some things I can use, but I’ve had to use other sources for things like copy/paste of a block of text. Seems to be more concerned with differences between variants than in telling you what you want to know to use vi or vim…especially if you are new to them. The variants thing makes it harder to find what you are looking for too…the vi commands are in one section, and the vim ones are in another…it would be more useful to have them organized by function, with tags saying which editors support each of them so you don’t have to know which editor they appeared in to find them.

  7. für den Einstieg und, für meinen Bedarf, als sehr ausführliche Referenz. Gleich am Begin sind die essenziellen Befehle für Navigation und Bearbeitung beschrieben. In den weiteren Abschnitten werden spezielle Themen und verwandte Editoren behandelt.Wie bei anderen Pocket References dieser Reihe ist das kompakte Format hervorzuheben, und dass ohne Umschweife die Bedeutung der Befehle erklärt wird.Theorie ersetzt allerdings nicht die Praxis, die gerade auf der Befehlszeile zum zügigen Arbeiten erforderlich ist. Aber auf manchen Systemen und Remote steht eben auser vi und Vim keine andere Möglichkeit zur Textbearbeitung zur Verfügung.

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