The statement of the global Uyghur movement in support of Israel’s aggression against Gaza was strongly denounced by Dr. Safi El-Din Kharbush, a member of the Egyptian House of Representatives from the Republican People’s Party and the former head of Egypt’s Supreme Council for Youth and Sports.
Kharbouch demanded that the people responsible for this speech be held accountable and brought to justice, calling it a “disgrace” to the revolution.
Kharbouch called the Israeli onslaught against Gaza, which lasted for 37 days, a shame to humanity, the international community, and the United Nations. In his opinion, the international organization did not act to halt the onslaught.This only served to highlight its failure to carry out decisions—aside from those directed at weaker nations.
Kharbouch also attacked the international community for its lack of response to the murder of UN personnel in Gaza during the invasion, drawing comparisons with the differing responses one would expect from other nations in a similar situation.
As retaliation for Israel’s atrocities in Gaza, Kharbouch demanded that the country be kicked out of the UN.